This proyect was made as a tool that helps the learners of the english
language, to increase their skills and improve their abilities in it. 

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Comentarios: 4
  • #1

    Sara Sofia Roldan. 10C (martes, 03 abril 2012 12:05)

    that is a good idea

  • #2

    Natalia Pinilla 10B (domingo, 13 mayo 2012 21:23)

    Well, it's a good idea, thanks.

  • #3

    Daniela Moncada 10A (lunes, 14 mayo 2012 20:31)

    It is a good form to learn, interactive and dinamic, because we use a new tool, that open many doors for us to learn a new lenguage. I like this form to learn.

  • #4

    Mariana Carvajkal T. 10B (jueves, 24 mayo 2012 21:49)

    I think it's an excellent tool for the improve of the knowledge of all of the students in this area, because is really necessary. It's important for me and for other persons that you take a time to do this work. We're using it in the best way, so.... thanks for all the work.

    PD: I don't gave my opinion before, I said before. I'm using it, and I can said, GOOD WORK TEACHER